Good News To Start Off The Week….

Good morning guys.

Before I start, here’s wishing you all good luck at the felt where ever you’re playing today and throughout the week.

Now, I have some great news to share with you today, and it’s regarding Rio Poker Palace. (The Poker Community.) Now as you all might be aware, our fellow neighbours (forgive the pun….lol.) down under cannot play poker for cash on any Merge poker sites……well that was prior to 19/05/10.

That’s right, as of the 19/05/10 all Australian poker players that have since struggled to play on Merge can now play all cash games at Rio Poker Palace. It had come to our attention that many Australian’s had become frustrated because they could participate in cash events and Rio Poker Palace have taken the big step in opening the market. Please be advised that this is only available playing through Rio Poker Palace and no other Merge skin.

As well as there now being the ability to play real money events, there have also been deposit options made available to Aussies too, that are looking to sign up and deposit. Sign up as you know is very easy and stress free, if you would like to take the opportunity of playing at Rio simply click here to sign up.

Please also flick through my other blogs throughout my page, I have illustrated a lot of what goes on at the Rio and many great things on offer. We have a great team always on hand to make your time with us as enjoyable as possible and obviously as stress free as possible.

If ever you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me at and I will be happy to assist you where needed.

Again guys, thank you for reading and hope many take advantage of the new developments, good luck and until next time….

Published in: on May 24, 2010 at 11:31  Leave a Comment  

How to Test Your Poker Knowledge….

Hello Ladies and Gents,

Have you ever questioned yourself, How can i become a better poker player?

Well have no fear, as today i offer you a great opportunity to read a great article within Pokerspace called “How to test your poker knowledge“.

This was written by David Tubbs aka Social Dave. He illustrates in his article the benefits of taking part in the poker school available at Pokerspace, and new opportunities through playing certain events most importantly the DSU free roll.

You may or may not know, Pokerspace has recently joined partnership with DSU (DeepStacks University) which is fronted by Mike “The Mouth” Matusow. The DSU is a subscription based poker education site with the aim to take your game to the next level. With the partnership of Pokerspace it is possible to take part in certain events to win a free subscription etc and get access to some of the best poker education available.

This I’m sure sounds very interesting, so i urge you to follow the link here and read the article in full, I’m sure you wont be disappointed.

Thanks again for reading and hope you take the opportunity in the above and previous blogs, there is plenty on offer with more blogs to come. I wish you good luck and happy hunting on the felt.

Until next time…..

The New Beginning….

Hello Ladies and Gents,

As you have probably noticed, I have been absent for a couple of months. This was sadly due to a serious illness I contracted just prior to Christmas last year. Thankfully, I have finally got myself healthy and back to normal and not only that I’m also in a position to now get myself back in to online poker, and continue to blog and interact etc……

So with the above mentioned and out of the way, here is ‘the new beginning’ so to speak….lol.

Rio Poker Palace-

A lot has happened to Rio Poker Palace during my absence, Rio has now opened its new site, which was explained in my previous blog, also Rio have opened deposit options to players looking to deposit. However this option is still unavailable to U.S. players at this time. I have also become a host again since my illness, and enjoying myself back amongst the regulars. Please do not forget to sign up and join in if you are currently not a player at Rio. It’s a quick sign up process, and with no necessity to deposit at Rio we happily cater for all Poker players, whether beginners or experienced.

Please click here to sign up to Rio Poker Palace.


Also in the last couple of days, I have been fortunate to become a moderator at Pokerspace. The position had come available as Pokerspace grows and becomes a major Poker community on the web, meaning more moderators, administrators etc to help keep the flow of the site. Thankfully for me, Pokerspace needed a respectable person within Europe who understood and respected the site. Now this brings a huge amount of responsibility to the job and I know I have all the skills available to help Pokerspace as a whole and also make new members feel welcome and settled in as quickly as possible.

If you have seen my previous blogs, and interested in becoming a member at Pokerspace please do not hesitate to join us. It’s completely free and again very easy to sign up. We have tournaments running throughout the week, from free rolls, cash buy-ins and PS point buy-ins.  All our events are played at some of the top Pokersites online including Pokerstars, Full tilt, Ultimate Bet and plenty more.

Not only can you take advantage of the events, but we also have some great players within the site, always on hand to share their knowledge and help others improve. This mainly happens within our Great forum or very busy Blog section.

For any more information, just ask, or simply check my previous posts. I have added as much information I can, but will be adding more as the weeks go on.

Please click here to sign up to Pokerspace.

I’m Gra1980 at Pokerspace, feel free to add me.

I will be back in a couple of days to update you all on some more information regarded Pokerspace and Rio Poker Palace. Please stay tuned for updates etc.

Have a good day guys, and as ever, good luck and have fun 🙂