How to Test Your Poker Knowledge….

Hello Ladies and Gents,

Have you ever questioned yourself, How can i become a better poker player?

Well have no fear, as today i offer you a great opportunity to read a great article within Pokerspace called “How to test your poker knowledge“.

This was written by David Tubbs aka Social Dave. He illustrates in his article the benefits of taking part in the poker school available at Pokerspace, and new opportunities through playing certain events most importantly the DSU free roll.

You may or may not know, Pokerspace has recently joined partnership with DSU (DeepStacks University) which is fronted by Mike “The Mouth” Matusow. The DSU is a subscription based poker education site with the aim to take your game to the next level. With the partnership of Pokerspace it is possible to take part in certain events to win a free subscription etc and get access to some of the best poker education available.

This I’m sure sounds very interesting, so i urge you to follow the link here and read the article in full, I’m sure you wont be disappointed.

Thanks again for reading and hope you take the opportunity in the above and previous blogs, there is plenty on offer with more blogs to come. I wish you good luck and happy hunting on the felt.

Until next time…..