Free Poker Money….

Free Poker Money….

Pokerspace have got together with 4 top online Poker sites (Ultimate bet, Absolute Poker, Titan Poker and Power Poker) and are holding a “Free Poker Money” promotion. Quite simply this gives those opening a new account at the above sites through Pokerspace the opportunity to start a bankroll FREE!.

When the scheme started a couple of months back, it looked very likely that this was going to be a great promotion and the guys at Pokerspace were not wrong. Each Poker site had a set amount of requests per day for Free Poker Money this at the beginning was set to 10 requests each site per day, but since this has been such a great promotion, the guys at Pokerspace and the above poker sites have raised it to 20 requests per day. Thus meaning that 20 members had an opportunity to download the site and request Free Poker Money and get going.

Here’s just a little of what is on offer,

  • Ultimate Bet – $50 free
  • Absolute Poker – $50 free
  • Titan Poker – $175 free
  • Power Poker – $40 free

Just imagine, that’s up to $275 Free Poker Money if you were to download all the above through Pokerspace and request Free Poker Money, and not forgetting this is with no risk of your own cash, now surely that’s enough to get you interested?

So if this appeals to you,  simply follow the link Free Poker Money and check the deals out for yourself, you wont be disappointed. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so get your roll moving,

Good luck!