RioPokerPalace Continued….

Hello again guys and gals,

As promised in my previous post, i was going to add some more information about this great poker site RioPokerPalace.

Now if you have recently taken the opportunity to follow any of my links to the website and possibly for instance created an account, you would have probably noticed that the website is called RioPokerCasino. The reason for this is simply that RioPokerPalace took  over an old Poker site, which became dormant, and whilst RioPokerPalace gets its own website built they will continue to use RioPokerCasino.

Now the new website is looking great, but no deadline has been set, as the company feel that they are in no rush.

Just to tickle your fancy, here is an image of what the new website will look like, please bare with us, as stated earlier, the website is still being built, and is not completed.

new poker site

As you can probably tell, some exciting times ahead…..

On another note, you would probably wonder why you have not seen RioPokerPalace advertised much around the web or even The Merge Network. This is mainly due to the fact that the website is new and soon, the flood gates will open (so to speak) and will be a well known poker site throughout.

Now RioPokerPalace have started to use a fantastic poker forum called Pokerspace. Pokerspace is a great poker community and is probably the best at what it does. Pokerspace have a lot of private tournaments, so RioPokerPalace have seen this as a great benchmark to get themselves moving, and its working wonders!

Instead of confusing you, i will mention more about Pokerspace, in a later post.

So if you haven’t done so already, please take this early opportunity to sign up, and take advantage of the fish, that roam the site, because once the site becomes more accessible, then the sharks will be here….

Remember to add the bonus code too: UK150%25

Feel free to email me if you have any questions at:

This wraps things up with respect to RioPokerPalace, but as developments happen, be sure to check back to keep up to date. My next post will be regarding Pokerspace.