Pokerspace – School, Learn How To Become A Better Poker Player

Hey guys and gals,for blog image

My next post today is regarding the Pokerspace school. This is a great place to come, when you want to try and improve your game. Its important to say, that you will never ever become a master of the game, and that you will always be learning, but some feel they were god’s gift to poker, and think they have mastered the game, and he is no other then Phil Helmuth.

Pokerspace School,

In the school there are 4 catorgories, and they are;

  • Basic Poker Knowledge
  • Beginner NL Lesson Guide
  • Intermediate NL Lesson Guide
  • Advanced NL Theory

Here’s a detailed description of what you will be expected to do to achieve your graduation from the Pokerspace school.

Basic Poker Knowledge,

Learn the basic rules of NL Hold’em including general poker terminology, player categories and hand rankings.

Lessons and tests-

Poker Glossary + Test
Fixed vs NL Texas Hold’em + Test
Basic Rules of Texas Hold’em + Test
Player Categories + Test
Hand Rankings + Test
Starting Hands I + Test
Course Test: (To be taken if you pass this category)
chip fish
Extra Course Videos:
NL Holdem Basics Video 1
NL Holdem Basics Video 2
NL Holdem Basics Video 3

When you pass the course test, you will receive the FISH chip accolade which you see above.

Beginner NL Lesson Guide,

Basic poker strategy that all players should know including probabilities, pot odds, and the all-important bankroll

Lessons and tests-

Bankroll Management I + Test
Bankroll Management II + Test
Hold’em Probablities + Test
Game Selection + Test
Calculating Pot Odds + Test
Starting Hands II + Test

chip lion
Course Test: (To be taken if you pass this category)

Extra Course Videos:
NL Beginner Strategy

When you pass the course test, you will receive the LION chip accolade which you see above.

Intermediate NL Lesson Guide,

Expand your poker knowledge with this course about stack sizes, position play, bluffing and even more bankroll management.

Lessons and tests-

Bluffing Strategy + Test
Bankroll Management III + Test
Understanding Position + Test
The Importance of Stack Size + Test
Course Test: (To be taken if you pass this category)chip shark

Extra Course Videos:
NL Intermediate Strategy Course Video
Pokertracker Video 1
Pokertracker Video 2

When you pass the course test, you will receive the SHARK chip accolade which you see above.

Advanced No Limit Theory,

Take your game to the next level with the concepts discussed in this course. Learn about online tells, table image and reading

Lessons and tests-

Online Tells + Testchip eagle
Bankroll Management IV + Test
Pot Odds for Drawing and Bluffing + Test
Reading Opponents and Table Image + Test
Course Test: (To be taken if you pass this category)

When you pass the course test, you will receive the EAGLE chip accolade which you see above.


Please don’t feel daunted from the look of this, its really not a lot, and is gradpossible to complete if you put the time and effort in to learning, and passing the tests. It does look a lot, but this is because i broke it all down for you so it was easier to understand

Upon completion of all lessons, you will receive a “Grad Accolade” this will be posted on you profile to signify that you have successfully passed the school.

I wish you all good luck in your endeavor to pass the Pokerspace school, if your not currently a Pokerspace member, please read my previous articles, and feel free to sign up here.

If you require any assistance at all, feel free to email me at: and i would be happy to assist where necessary.

Have fun guys and gals, and good luck at the felt!

Pokerspace, The Poker Community….

Hi guys and gals,

for blog image

As mentioned in my previous post, today’s post is regarding a great poker forum that i have been a member at for almost a year now, and its called Pokerspace. If you havent heard a lot about Pokerspace, then your at the right place to read up, oh and sign up….lol.

Now, i think the main thing to take in to consideration before we start, is that Pokerspace is a poker community, which is probably without doubt the best forum online for whats it does and offer, and…..ITS FREE!!

Pokerspace was formed back in 2007, with the view to being the only social network to offer the ability to cater for all types of poker player, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or experienced Poker player Pokerspace was seen to be the place to be. With the added bonus of a great social community, players are able to interact with one and another and share there experiences and seek help and development from fellow members.

At Pokerspace, they have also integrated there own currency, called “The PS Point” this currency can be earned by simply winning tournaments, signing up, filling profile or even signing up to poker sites through Pokerspace and depositing. When you build your points up, you can buy in to PS point buy-in tournaments and win more points or even added cash.

They also have a great PS store, where you can purchase gifts with your points. On offer are, WSOP packages, Poker books, electronic gifts, holidays etc….

One of the big things to be promoted at Pokerspace, is the long awaited return of theĀ  Crew Cup. The crew cup is a team based event, which takes place at Reefer Poker. The prize consists of a great trip to Vegas and play in the forthcoming WSOP event.

I think the best thing to finish on, is the fact that at Pokerspace, they also have a great school, where you can learn the game through lessons and when you feel confident, take the test. For instance, i have passed my tests for Texas hold’em, and thus have the “grad accolade” this constitutes to my pass, and i also claim and eagle chip for my achievement.

If you like my first installment about Pokerspace, and want to sign up click here.

There is so much more i can add, but i think its best to stop here, let you get a grasp of whats been added so far, and i will be happy to add more tomorrow. It would probably be better to add separate posts on what Pokerspace has to offer, this will make it easy to add as much information, without making each post too long. These will be categorised, so easily accessible.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment, or email me at: and i would be happy to assist you where necessary.

Until tomorrow, good luck at the felt, and have fun….

A Little More Information On RioPokerPalace…

Hi guys and gals,

This evening I’m going to concentrate on explaining a little more information about RioPokerPalace.

RioPokerPalace is an online poker site, which is currently on the Merge Network. On the Merge Network, you can also find poker sites such as Carbon Poker, Walker Poker and Reefer Poker. But i think its fair to say, that Carbon Poker is most probably the best known site out of the lot.

Now If you have never played at a Merge poker site, you may not be aware of the great things that are available that other poker sites don’t have.

For instance;

  • Rabbit hunting – Which is having the option to show the community cards once all players have folded.
  • Emoticons – These are fancy graphics (i.e. smileys) that you can use during the game at the table.

Now that was just a couple of things available on Merge, but there are plenty more on offer. I will inform you more of them as i progress here with my future blogs.

Know come’s the great part, now if you currently don’t have an account at RioPokerPalace, and want to take the step to playing online poker at a great poker site, then click here, sign up, and when asked enter this bonus code: UK150%25

This bonus code will entitle you to;

flat $5 “free money” (unlockable) 100 comp points, and 150% deposit bonus up to $2000.

Also from the day you deposit, you will also receive a coupon to enter the “first depositor free rolls” for your chance to win a share of $500. This coupon will last for 14 days from your deposit.

If however you experience any difficulties through the sign up process or anything regarding RioPokerPalace, do not hesitate to email me your problem at: and i would be happy to assist where necessary.

I think that’s enough from me today….lol. Feel free to drop back soon, where i will have more information.

From RioHostGra, i wish you good luck, have fun, and look forward to seeing you at RioPokerPalace….

Finally Here, And Loving It!

Hi guys,

This is my FIRST blog at WordPress, and hopefully with many, many more to come…..

My main aim is to spread the word of this great Poker site that i currently represent called RioPokerPalace. I will also have some great information to hand to share.

rio image

You may also be interested in following me at these other sites;

Please be sure to check out my future blogs where i look at all things regarding RioPokerPalace and other great things online with respect to online poker……

Thank you!